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    2023 Skypixel 8th Annual Photo & Video Contest: Annual Top 10 Videos Prizes

    2023 Visual China Group & 500PX Signed Photographer

    2023 DaVinci Resolve Certified Colorist & BMD Certified Editor

    2022 to 2023 Zcool Hellorf Signed Photographer

    2020 to 2022 TuChong Creativity (ByteDance Brand) Signed Photographer

    Oct. 2020 to Nov. 2020 YouXiaKe & OUTDOOR & Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture Tourism Association Co-hosted Photography Project Travel Photographer

    2018 to 2020 Tukuchina.cn Signed Photographer

    Aug. 2019 Malaysia Seabed Conservation Project Underwater Photographer

    2019 GBDO Design Award: G100 Excellent Designer of the Year

    2019 GBDO Design Award: Brand Planning 1st Prize

    2019 GBDO Design Award: Bookbinding and Layout 2nd Prize


    The landscape lets me see the magic of nature.

    Animals let me feel the surging heartbeat of life.

    Architecture lets me see the industrial aesthetics of human beings.

    Documentary makes me feel the warmth and honey of the world.

    I am a pilgrim of the mountains, a fantasist of the sea.

    An ordinary person who can press the shutter, looking forward to meeting you and me.